Endowment Fund

Giving Information

In September 2007, the Board of Directors of the Kern Lipid Conference voted to create a conference Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund is not meant to replace the current (and primary) means of conference support, which includes registration fees, solicitation of annual donations and grant submissions to various foundations, industry, and other scientific organizations. However, it is the intent and hope of the Board that an Endowment Fund will give individuals an opportunity to show support and also ensure the long term viability of this annual Conference. Annual income from the Endowment Fund will be used to supplement the operating budget.

Gifts are the voluntary transfer of property by donor without expectation or receipt of an economic benefit. Gifts are commonly made in the form of cash or marketable securities. Other planned gift options include retirement assets, life insurance, and provisions in a will or trust. The donor receives a tax deduction based on the value of the gift. By contributing to the Kern Lipid Conference Endowment Fund, you can be confident that the gift will continue to grow and join others whose gifts will help insure the conference has support far into the future. Here are some suggested methods of giving:

Outright Gift

Outright gifts are a voluntary transfer of cash or marketable securities. They may be made anytime and make a lasting difference. Donors may add to the fund at any time. The donor receives a tax deduction based on the value of the gift. A minimum gift donation of $500.00 is requested. Endowment giving can be established for many reasons, including:

  • To honor a loved one, colleague, teacher, mentor, or friend
  • To celebrate personal accomplishments or business successes
  • To leave your own permanent legacy of perpetual support for the Kern Lipid Conference
  • Pledge

    A pledge is a promise to give. Gifts may be made over one or multiple years, up to a maximum of 5 years. Gifts are commonly made in the form of cash, marketable securities, life insurance, or planned gifts. To create your gift through a pledge, simply create a written promise, followed by appropriate gift payments. The donor receives no tax deduction until the gift is made.

    Matching Gifts

    Financial support is provided by companies through employee matching gift programs. These companies match their employees’ donations to nonprofit organizations, enabling their employees to multiply their support by doubling or in some cases tripling employee gifts. To create a matching gift, contact your company’s Human Resources office and follow the company’s procedure. Matching gifts create a tax deduction for both the company and the donor, for their portions only.

    Wills and Trusts

    Gifts are made through the donor’s will or trust, effective upon the death of the donor. Donors wishing to utilize this method of giving should inform their attorney to include the gift in your will or trust. The donor’s estate will receive a tax deduction for the value of the gift.

    Life Insurance

    A life insurance policy you currently own or purchase specifically for the gift. Also, employment-related policies can be good gifts. There are typically two options: a) make the conference the owner of the policy or b) the beneficiary of the policy. The donor should contact his/her insurance company to obtain the appropriate form.

    Retirement Account Funds/IRAs

    Any tax-deferred accounts created for retirement income purposes: IRAs, 401(k) accounts, 403(b) accounts, SEPs, profit-sharing plans, etc. which will be included in an estate (because they have not been annuitized) and which will be among the most highly taxed assets in the estate (both estate and income taxes may be applicable). To make your gift, request a change of beneficiary form from the plan’s administrator.

    Beneficary Designation Information

    To designate the Kern Lipid Conference as a recipient, the designation should be:

    Kern Lipid Conference (Tax identification #84-0978466)
    c/o Georgetown University
    3900 Reservoir Rd
    MedDent NW105
    Washington, DC 20057
    ATTN: Moshe Levi, M.D., President

    Professional Advice Disclaimer: Donors are strongly encouraged to consult their own tax and estate planning professional. The information contained in this document is meant to serve as only as a guide and suggestions, and not meant to replace consultation with your own professional advisor(s).